Friday, August 14, 2009

Just Sayin...

On my post about Dawn Richards earlier this week, I realized someone downloaded the pictures that I myself had taken the time to put together. Yes, they were from her official Twitter page [meaning they weren't mine either], but, I still designed them like that. & I would gladly let anyone take whatever they please, as this is a public blog. It's okay to like something & want to show it elsewhere but, could you at least let me know about beforehand? This is only in the case of pictures that I modify myself. Now thanks to that person, all of my pics will have my blog's name on them.

I'm not mad, I'm just sayin...

View post, "Meet the real 'Dawn Diva'", here. [will open a new window]



  1. i know what you mean, thats why i try to put my name or my blog name on all my pics

  2. Believe or not, I got that idea from visiting your blog. When I saw the pic you posted of your purse, I thought that might be a good idea. It pissed me off b/c it took a while to get the pics just right.

  3. Hi, just randomly browsed over to your blog. Getting our stuff copied is a problem most bloggers face. I took some code from this site dynamicdrive.com that you can just install in your blog and then if someone right clicks to copy something on your blog, they get a msg which you can write, anything like, bad to steal or something.


    Take care and keep blogging!


  4. Hey, thanks! I will def. look into that site.


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