Ok, during the Summer I have acquired a case of Insomnia, which sometimes won't allow me to sleep until after 5 am some days. Because of this, my mind becomes infested w/ ideas. This is one that came to my mind last week.
I realized there are 3 types of women in the world. Now, these are just general categories, as many people will vary due to their own personality, but generally speaking there is only three IMO. [Fellas pay attention, you just might learn something NEW!]
There is the Strong, the Insane [God forbid!], && the Submissive. Let's get into some movie examples, just to give you a clue.
For the [
STRONG] category let's take Angela Basset's character from
Waiting To Exhale, Bernadine. Now we all witnessed how she got revenge at her husband for cheating on her & leaving her for a white woman. She took all of his clothes, shoes, personal valuables, & his car && set it all on FIRE! The fire dept. came & she told them it was trash as she was smoking her cigarette. I'm sorry, but, she did tha da-- thang in that movie.
Breakdown: This type of woman is a 'NO tolerance' woman. She's not a "man-eater" but, she doesn't play any games. Once she finds out one [& I mean one] time that you're doing her wrong, it's over. There are no more chances buddy. && she will get revenge! She also doesn't NEED a man to support her or her children b/c she's already successful herself. But, this doesn't mean she wouldn't like one. He just has to have his stuff together that's all. He has to know how to talk to lady. A lady she most definitely is, until you get on her bad side, then that's another story.We're going to skip over the [
INSANE] category for just a minute.
For the [
SUBMISSIVE] category let's take Vanessa Bell's character in
Coming To America. You might not even really remember her role b/c it was so small but, to me I could never forget it. She was the princess Hakeem was arranged to marry. You know, the one who barked when Hakeem told her to bark like a dog. The one who jumped up & down like a fool, yes her. She had no opinion of her own & every time Hakeem asked her what she liked, her response was "Whatever you like."

Clearly, this is a poor excuse for a woman. She lets her significant other dominate over her. She relies on him to pay for everything && let's him be the boss. This relationship is not a partnership b/c she never voices her opinion, even when it's asked for. She's living in the caveman days & her man is the breadwinner. I actually see a lot of girls like this. They let their man do everything, && only hinder themselves. There's nothing wrong with allowing a man to be a man. It's ok for him to hold the doors, and to even order food for you, if that's your thing. But, never let a man take your dignity like this. Not acceptable.Next, let's discuss the [
INSANE] category: I saved it for last because homegurl can get
a little VERY crazy!! Let's take the movie
A Thin Line Between Love & Hate. You know, like I know that Brandi (Lynn Whitfield) was one crazy Bish! First off, she admitted to killing her husband b/c he cheated on her. She became very attached & always speculated that Martin was up to no good, which sometimes he wasn't but, STILL! Because, he didn't show up for her birthday she left her own b-day cake with a knife in it & dropped it off where he was. She faked being sick in a hospital to get him to come see her. && she almost killed him, like her ex-boyfriend, in the end.

This kind of woman is out of any man's league. Hell, she's outta my league b/c she's just too much! She gets really, really attached & wants the man to give her all the attention. She has to know where her man is ALL the time & ultimately tries to make her man what she wants him to be, her play thing. When she says "come home", she means it. & if you don't follow her wishes, you'll truly regret it. Now, she may sound like a [STRONG] woman but, trust me, they are totally different. You have to actually do something to a [STRONG] woman for her to fight back. An [INSANE] woman needs no reason. Insanity is in her blood!So, there you have it, the 3 types of women. Remember there are varieties. You could possibly meet a woman w/ all three characteristics [God bless your soul].
Fellas, take your pick :)
(Source: Pic
1 & 2)
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