I realized there are 3 types of women in the world. Now, these are just general categories, as many people will vary due to their own personality, but generally speaking there is only three IMO. [Fellas pay attention, you just might learn something NEW!]
There is the Strong, the Insane [God forbid!], && the Submissive. Let's get into some movie examples, just to give you a clue.
For the [STRONG] category let's take Angela Basset's character from Waiting To Exhale, Bernadine. Now we all witnessed how she got revenge at her husband for cheating on her & leaving her for a white woman. She took all of his clothes, shoes, personal valuables, & his car && set it all on FIRE! The fire dept. came & she told them it was trash as she was smoking her cigarette. I'm sorry, but, she did tha da-- thang in that movie.

Breakdown: This type of woman is a 'NO tolerance' woman. She's not a "man-eater" but, she doesn't play any games. Once she finds out one [& I mean one] time that you're doing her wrong, it's over. There are no more chances buddy. && she will get revenge! She also doesn't NEED a man to support her or her children b/c she's already successful herself. But, this doesn't mean she wouldn't like one. He just has to have his stuff together that's all. He has to know how to talk to lady. A lady she most definitely is, until you get on her bad side, then that's another story.
We're going to skip over the [INSANE] category for just a minute.
For the [SUBMISSIVE] category let's take Vanessa Bell's character in Coming To America. You might not even really remember her role b/c it was so small but, to me I could never forget it. She was the princess Hakeem was arranged to marry. You know, the one who barked when Hakeem told her to bark like a dog. The one who jumped up & down like a fool, yes her. She had no opinion of her own & every time Hakeem asked her what she liked, her response was "Whatever you like."
Breakdown: Clearly, this is a poor excuse for a woman. She lets her significant other dominate over her. She relies on him to pay for everything && let's him be the boss. This relationship is not a partnership b/c she never voices her opinion, even when it's asked for. She's living in the caveman days & her man is the breadwinner. I actually see a lot of girls like this. They let their man do everything, && only hinder themselves. There's nothing wrong with allowing a man to be a man. It's ok for him to hold the doors, and to even order food for you, if that's your thing. But, never let a man take your dignity like this. Not acceptable.
Next, let's discuss the [INSANE] category: I saved it for last because homegurl can get

Breakdown: This kind of woman is out of any man's league. Hell, she's outta my league b/c she's just too much! She gets really, really attached & wants the man to give her all the attention. She has to know where her man is ALL the time & ultimately tries to make her man what she wants him to be, her play thing. When she says "come home", she means it. & if you don't follow her wishes, you'll truly regret it. Now, she may sound like a [STRONG] woman but, trust me, they are totally different. You have to actually do something to a [STRONG] woman for her to fight back. An [INSANE] woman needs no reason. Insanity is in her blood!
So, there you have it, the 3 types of women. Remember there are varieties. You could possibly meet a woman w/ all three characteristics [God bless your soul].
Fellas, take your pick :)
(Source: Pic 1 & 2)
(Audio Clip: Source)
So I loved this blog because it is so true nd you gave good examples. Nd most ppl would never think of this because how some females may differ in each of those three categories!
ReplyDeleteThanks Tara! I'm glad u read my blog & liked it! && yes, I try to come up w/ diff. ideas, so it doesn't get boring.
ReplyDeleteYes, i feel you w/ everything. Though, i was taken back by you callin him a "bish" [He most likely deserved that tho!] && I am the strong type myself && i think it comes from my mother. She is such a strong woman, && her being a single parent further let me know how independent she really is. I hate gurls who don't do for themselves. This customer came into work a few weeks back & she was the most useless thing ever. Her boyfriend had to order her food, even when I clearly was asking her! ugh! There is nothing wrong w/ being strong. The catch is only a man can handle us, if you get my drift. Not a boy, a man.
ReplyDeleteI'm like super late with this one, but I felt the need to comment, cuz I'm diggin this one. Only thing I would argue with you on is the term submissive. The Bible says a woman is to submit to her husband since he's the head of the household so i kinda feel the word has a bad rep. The description was spot on I just think a better word could've been used...I'll let ya know if I can think of one lol
ReplyDeleteLol, it's cool. And that is very true. Well, just let me know when you think of it. :)
ReplyDeleteSubsevient!! I'm a dork for this I know, but it was bothering me lol.
ReplyDeleteBut yeah it's - too eager to obey: too submissive or eager to follow the wishes or orders of others