Friday, August 14, 2009

Insight: "The Truth, In Line"

* Took this from my FB && decided to post. It has a lot of underlying messages underneath. Read closely.

"The Truth, In Line" [written by me, August 2008]

I'm in line, hopefully up next,
Cuz see I got places to go, and things to do,
Easy got in and out, why can't I be that lucky?,
Despair and Hopeless are right behind her, man I should have got in that line,
I got Pressure behind me, and he's breathing heavy down my back,
I turn around to see Desperation, but he's selling happiness, I want to find my own,
I hear my number called finally, but Sacrifice left everything she had and got there before I did,
When, I finally reached the front of the line, Obstacle and Doubt stood in my face and told me "No!",
And Penny had the nerve to tell me I wasn't worthy, told me I was useless,
But as I was leaving, having not achieved what I had hoped for,
I realized, I had gotten so much,
Meanwhile, Easy got called out of her name,
Pressure was removed for harrassment,
and Strength came struttin into line,
Desperation left without a dime, even after selling away his goods,
Sacrifice left without her companion Respect,
and me, well I left with Respect, after I saw the Truth.

Explanation: I have gone through life, hearing about how people have experienced so much more than me. And at times, I go looking for that fun, that fun that everybody is having, whatever that may be. But people can be careless and lose themselves in what they do easily. I choose not to. I'm not sacrificing myself for that. I'm not that gurl. I don't want anything temporary, as some people do what ever. I may have come this far empty handed but I damn sure haven't lost myself nor my respect through this journey we call Life. WE ALL WILL FACE THESE ISSUES, its simply how you cope with them that defines you.

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