* Took this from my FB && decided to post. It has a lot of underlying messages underneath. Read closely.
"The Truth, In Line" [written by me, August 2008]
I'm in line, hopefully up next,
Cuz see I got places to go, and things to do,
Easy got in and out, why can't I be that lucky?,
Despair and Hopeless are right behind her, man I should have got in that line,
I got Pressure behind me, and he's breathing heavy down my back,
I turn around to see Desperation, but he's selling happiness, I want to find my own,
I hear my number called finally, but Sacrifice left everything she had and got there before I did,
When, I finally reached the front of the line, Obstacle and Doubt stood in my face and told me "No!",
And Penny had the nerve to tell me I wasn't worthy, told me I was useless,
But as I was leaving, having not achieved what I had hoped for,
I realized, I had gotten so much,
Meanwhile, Easy got called out of her name,
Pressure was removed for harrassment,
and Strength came struttin into line,
Desperation left without a dime, even after selling away his goods,
Sacrifice left without her companion Respect,
and me, well I left with Respect, after I saw the Truth.
Explanation: I have gone through life, hearing about how people have experienced so much more than me. And at times, I go looking for that fun, that fun that everybody is having, whatever that may be. But people can be careless and lose themselves in what they do easily. I choose not to. I'm not sacrificing myself for that. I'm not that gurl. I don't want anything temporary, as some people do what ever. I may have come this far empty handed but I damn sure haven't lost myself nor my respect through this journey we call Life. WE ALL WILL FACE THESE ISSUES, its simply how you cope with them that defines you.
Hahaa gurl...don't get me started on them boys.