[Reality sets in 4 a minute]: This is EXACTLY why people should not FOLLOW these "trends". Shaving a side of your hair might seem cool [in the beginning] until you realize that you have a job and this is [NOT] accepted! Especially, if you're not a celebrity, it's even MORE important for you to NOT shave your head. Because you saw someone famous [i.e. Cassie] does not validate you for doing so.
If you have [or considered] shaving your head, you should consider the following:
You do realize that you will not be able to do a quick pony tail [which is great on rainy days IMO]? You do realize that the other side of your head might take a while to grow back [& might not even grow back to it's original length]? You do realize that right?!
So, thank you Amber Rose. Thank you Cassie. && Thanks Kelis! But NOOOO thanks! I know the difference between what is right and what looks right [at first].
Alright, I'm done now :)
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