Sunday, January 3, 2010

Don't Take It Personal...

Ok, when I get extremely bored, I like to go on Plinky, pick a few prompts, && answer.

Here I Go....Time to get a lil' personal :)

List your favorite alternatives to saying 'no.'
This is my favorite..."ummmhhmmmmmmmm nuhh" from my Wife & Kids [You have to watch the show to understand, lol.]

If you had to wear one color for the entire year, Which one would you pick?
Probably the color grey. I would say black but, I think that's a bit too much. Grey is just right.

Are you a MAC or a PC?
Definitely a PC, No question.

Name something that makes you wish you were a kid again?
When I think of my old Barbie Jeep && when school consisted of multiplication and recess.

You get to start a charity. What is it?
Oh joy b/c I really do want to start one eventually. I want to start a foundation for broken families, especially for the kids. I want them to be able to feel loved (b/c having parents divorce is a tough thing to process, I know) and I want them to continue to pursue their goals. I want to form a safe haven & place where they can be motivated and to continue living life...it will def. be in the works.

Offer a couple of money saving tips.
Why, I would love to ;) 1st off saving money isn't difficult to do, especially if you have money coming in on the regular but, this can also make it that much more difficult. It takes a focused mindset to plan ahead & you have to decide early what you TRULY want out of life. Once you figure that out, you save for that. I think one should have at least 2 accounts, one for spending and one for saving. When I was in HS, I would put 1/2 of my check into my savings & 1/2 into my checking/spending. Also, just because it's in your 'spending' account, doesn't mean "buy everything". Once again, it's all about choices. When you shop be realistic. Every time I go shopping the sales associate will try to get me to take advantage of a buy one (reg. price) + get one 1/2 off sale. But, I only get what I need to get. Yes, it may be a great sale but, you are still dishing out extra cash, just on a marked off product. Same thing in Footlocker. How many shoe cleaners, shoe stuffers, and socks do I really need?! That $2.99 adds up! So, to sum this up: Separate between what you want & what things you really need. Definitely treat yourself every now and then but, be wise about it.

What makes you tick?
People that are loud. People that HATE on each other.

Name something that's inappropriately named.
The "wife beater". Why oh why?!

During which decade of the 20th century do you wish you'd grown up?
The late 70's so I could've at least lived the 80's && experience the 90's 4real. I was born in 89(late Dec) so I would've got whip lash had I even taken a glimpse at the 80's && the 90's was cool but, I wish I was older to remember it all.

What store do you wish you had in your town?
Forever 21. Hands down. B/c I simple LOVE that store!!

--Done for now.

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