When we speak of "the truth", many thoughts come to mind. Paul Pierce. Honesty. Purity. Maybe even God. But, when I think of TRUTH in music, I can not, [You can not] over-look the talent that is Erykah Badu.
I'm sitting here, well, I have been sitting in this same spot for about 3 hours listening to Erykah Badu. And not even multiple songs....I have had one song on my mind all night long. "Otherside of the Game" was introduced to me by the music site, Pandora, which is similar to Yahoo Music but, a lot better IMO. Anyways, I have always been a fan of Badu. ALWAYS. She is such a beautiful spirit inside && outside, as you can see by the picture below. Her music speaks to me. It's real. It fails at nothing. It's limitless && speaks what is....truth. So, excuse me on this post...I'm just flowing with it....
I am ashamed to say that I don't own any of her albums but, that is soon to be changed. Baduizm & LIVE is that sh--!

[["Otherside of the Game"]]I'm just discovering the song && the video, which features Andre 3000 *mind you this video was shot in the late 90's.
[The song speaks on a dilemma that Badu is currently facing or thinking about at least. && the video, which I love, shows just that. She speaks on her becoming pregnant and the conflict of her boyfriend (Andre), stating in the chorus, "What you gonna do when they come for you/Work ain't honest but it pays the bills---". I love the colors and she looks flawless in it as well. Take a peek.]
* also who knew Badu had some serious dreads?? check the end of the video && see.
//Live version "Otherside of the Game"
[...I love live music. Feels like you're right there with her almost. Listen in.]
//Recent video of Erykah discussing her new album
[Can you spot Damon Dash??]
...this woman is IT. Her voice is undescribable. Sometimes I don't feel as bad that we've lost Lauryn Hill because we still have Erykah. && I have a feeling we will continue to hear from her for a long time to come.
---until next time.
(Picture: fansite)
haha...which video, lol. The very first one? But...you WOULD notice that!