St. Ives was indeed a 'savior' of my dry skin. My nose in particular tended to be the most driest part of my face && when I got my nose pierced back in May 2008, it got even worse. I don't know why but, the pores on my nose seemed to open more & sweat when I got it pierced causing it to get both greasy & dry. So, I wanted to just inform people out there that have issues with dry skin because, St. Ives really worked for me. My nose tends to still be greasy every now & then but, the dryness has been minimized. BTW, none of these products are medicated but, simply 'regular' facial creams that work well. && St. Ives is well known for being very effective.
Here is what I used:
1) [St. Ives Apricot Scrub (Invigorating)] It works extremely well as a cleanser. This one has the beads in the cream, which can be a little rough on other people, though I prefer them personally. IMO, it adds an extra "scrubber" in the cream & exfoliates better. [I believe you can get it w/o the beads too.] I do a dab on my nose and rub it in for a few secs & rinse it off. I usually use this about every two days or so.

2) [St. Ives Elements - Olive Scrub] Your probably thinking "Eww, Olive?". But seriously, this is the smoothest 'scrub' I've ever used. Your skin feels like silk as you rub it in, no lie. It doesn't even really feel like a 'scrub' & I don't really use it for that purpose anyway. Mainly, I use this if I need a quick cleanser. I love the 'Apricot Scrub' [above] but, all the beads can take a while to rinse off. Being that this Olive Scrub has no beads, it makes moisturizing skin a lot easier time wise. Also, generally anything with olive is usually good. 'Olive oil' is good for the moisture of hair as well, which I own and use too.

[I own the one on the left side but, the tube on the right is supposed to be the new & improved look. Just in case you wanted to purchase it, that's what I'm guessing it would look like now.]
3) [St. Ives - Oatmeal and Shea Butter (Body Wash)] Unlike the other products above, which I have used for a couple of years, I just started using this product about two weeks ago and so far, I have no complaints. In college, taking showers need to be as easy as possible and lugging around a wet bar of soap isn't the business, so body wash is a must!! I have realized that I have sensitive skin towards strong smelling soaps. Lever 2000, Dove, & Irish Spring bout tore me up! & I was raised on Ivory but, it's really a plain soap to me. So, I wanted something that could be used daily with a hint of smell that wouldn't leave my skin irritated after my shower. St. Ives was the 'go-to' product once again. It smells great but, it doesn't make me itch either, and that my friend is all I need.

That's it for now. Remember, what works for me may not work for other skin types as well.
Good luck in all your skin endeavors :)
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