(Pic from: Treysongz.com)
I've been on Trey for a minute. Ever since his first song came out I have loved this dude. Shoot, I even remember when I first saw "Just Gotta Make It", his 1st single w/ Twista. He came out with a hott song a & has been soaring higher everr since. He really has distinguished his own lane in the genre of R&B. There aren't many R&B singers that have both the ladies & the fellas holdin him down. [I mean you tell me.]
From cornrows to cutting them off, he has matured & his music is getting better & sexier if you ask me! The man can sang you hear me?!
With two [great] albums albums under his belt, it's almost that time for his third album. This Fall he plans to drop "Ready". And if you are a die hard T.Songz or an occasional listener, I'm sure you've heard Trey ad-lib "You ready?" on many of his mixtape songz/features.
Recently, he released his mixtape properly named "Anticipation" [pictured below], which I'm guessing is to hold everyone over until the actual album drops. Honestly, all I've been hearing about is this mixtape & nothing else! People are going straight bananas over it.
(Pic from: Seefurtherthaniam.com) <---[Trey's official blog]
Here is a clip of Trey promoting his third album "Ready", which will be in stores September 1st! [you already know I'm on it.]
Of course I'm ready for my boo Trey Songz! I've been rockin with him since Just Gotta Make It album. And I'm rockin to his Anticipation mixtape SO HARD right now! lol. I just know that Ready album is going to be soooo hot. I'm just hoping it's way better than Trey Day cuz a couple of those tracks had me questioning his sanity. lol.
ReplyDeleteP.S. You also should check B.o.B cuz he's soooo raw! Forget Drake, B.o.B. has REAL talent. I think you should also do a bump on Kid Cudi cuz he's the TRUTH! =]
You didn't like Trey Day?! I loved every song except "Grub On". Everything else was on repeat!! And yes, it's been like what, 2007 or something since his last album. So, I'm ready too! Omg, if he went on tour that would be crazy! But, um I will check B.O.B too & Kid Cudi (I heard he has some fire songs too!). Thanks once again!
ReplyDeleteGirl, I liked the majority of the CD it was just a few that had me like wtf???? lol
ReplyDeleteStore Run was straight, then the way he ended was just like.....????...so that just kinda killed it for me. And Grub On was just a little TOO explicit for me. But every other song was in regular rotation, it was just those two that kinda threw it off for me. lol.
OOOOO! Last year, they managed to have him down at Claflin (and I was sooooooo jealous when I heard about that) so I think SOMEHOW, SOME WAY, we need to get Trey to Winthrop ASAP!!!!
Gurl, who you tellin!? Everybody (boys too) will be up in Tillman!