I was on Youtube, as I usual and I spotted some of the funniest NBA spoof commercials that I have EVER seen. Who knew NBA players were this funny?
[Watch as a puppet version of LeBron (current MVP) enjoys his chalk WAAAAY too much as he parades around last year's MVP, Kobe.]
[Shaq playing Scrabble in his own special way! LOL.]
[Mike Breen pretending to be an annoucer for sexy Tracy Mcgrady. This is a case of when pretending goes bad & funny at the same time. Mike needs to slow his roll!]
[The big man Shaq taking a personal call as soon as he thinks no one can hear him! This guy is good with the comedy!]
[Baron Davis now of the Los Angeles Clippers works the Drive-thru at McDonalds. He is too funny man! How are you going to ask the customer to buy you food on your lunch break? LOL!]
LOL, yes Shaq is hilarious! && Baron knew he was wrong for acting up like that, I died laughing myself. There's more videos on youtube like this too. I think it's called the NBA Roadtrip or something like that.