First, let me say that I AM NOT an avid basketball player, in fact I can't even play at all. I just enjoy watching the game and that is all. And though I just recently got into watching the game last year during the 2008 Playoffs (Celtics!!), I still hold my opinion on how I percieve the game.
This year, It's has been an unfortunate situation for many great NBA teams. I mean, the ones that don't even make it for one, and the ones that get to the Playoffs and are great but, end up losing. As for the Boston Celtics, I strongly feel this was their issue. They won last year but, I think there is only so far you can go when your Big guy (i.e: Kevin Garnett) is out due to injury. And we can't forget Leon Powe who also worked to get the Championship last year. As they played vs. The Orlando Magic, I was rooting for them to win Game 7. Everyone kept repeating how many Game 7's the franchise had won compared to the amount of Orlando, and I thought maybe they had a chance. But no, atleast not without KG. After the first minutes of the game, I knew it was over. It just wasn't the same excitement I saw last year from those same guys. Ray Allen got his GAME back finally, but Pierce couldn't get with it, and no one else could either. It was sad for me to watch and I stopped watching it all together.
As for the Houston Rockets who fought a battle with the L.A. Lakers. I think they did incredible as for the fact they were missing three (THREE!) key players (Mutombo, McGrady, Ming). But, without a doubt I think it might have been a different result had they been playing.
As for the current teams left in the finals: WEST (Lakers vs. Nuggets) & EAST (Cavaliers vs. Magic).....All I can say is that, I want to see LeBron go against the Nuggets. I think that Denver has done an excellent job esp. with Chauncey B. and I just want to see a younger generation take the Championship. Yes, Kobe is great. The guy is the best in the WEST, EAST, SOUTH, and NORTH to let everyone else tell it. But, I really want to see LeBron overall take this. He is MVP and I just think he's having a great year. But, hey if not, the man is young and truly in his PRIME to achieve it over and over again unlike some players who are in their thirties.
I just want to see somebody else win it. Not necessarily the "underdogs" but, someone else. I read somewhere on-line that the Lakers are like that kid in pre-school who took your crayons, and I agree. Give credit somewhere else. I'm not a Laker Hater, I just wanna see someone else get what they too so rightly deserve a chance to get.
My FINAL Predictions:
West - Denver Nuggets
East - Cleveland Cavaliers
"Taking it home" ----> Cavaliers!!!
.....We will see.
This year, It's has been an unfortunate situation for many great NBA teams. I mean, the ones that don't even make it for one, and the ones that get to the Playoffs and are great but, end up losing. As for the Boston Celtics, I strongly feel this was their issue. They won last year but, I think there is only so far you can go when your Big guy (i.e: Kevin Garnett) is out due to injury. And we can't forget Leon Powe who also worked to get the Championship last year. As they played vs. The Orlando Magic, I was rooting for them to win Game 7. Everyone kept repeating how many Game 7's the franchise had won compared to the amount of Orlando, and I thought maybe they had a chance. But no, atleast not without KG. After the first minutes of the game, I knew it was over. It just wasn't the same excitement I saw last year from those same guys. Ray Allen got his GAME back finally, but Pierce couldn't get with it, and no one else could either. It was sad for me to watch and I stopped watching it all together.
As for the Houston Rockets who fought a battle with the L.A. Lakers. I think they did incredible as for the fact they were missing three (THREE!) key players (Mutombo, McGrady, Ming). But, without a doubt I think it might have been a different result had they been playing.
As for the current teams left in the finals: WEST (Lakers vs. Nuggets) & EAST (Cavaliers vs. Magic).....All I can say is that, I want to see LeBron go against the Nuggets. I think that Denver has done an excellent job esp. with Chauncey B. and I just want to see a younger generation take the Championship. Yes, Kobe is great. The guy is the best in the WEST, EAST, SOUTH, and NORTH to let everyone else tell it. But, I really want to see LeBron overall take this. He is MVP and I just think he's having a great year. But, hey if not, the man is young and truly in his PRIME to achieve it over and over again unlike some players who are in their thirties.
I just want to see somebody else win it. Not necessarily the "underdogs" but, someone else. I read somewhere on-line that the Lakers are like that kid in pre-school who took your crayons, and I agree. Give credit somewhere else. I'm not a Laker Hater, I just wanna see someone else get what they too so rightly deserve a chance to get.
My FINAL Predictions:
West - Denver Nuggets
East - Cleveland Cavaliers
"Taking it home" ----> Cavaliers!!!
.....We will see.